Is it better to buy life insurance or term life insurance?


Question by oldtimekid2: Is it better to buy life insurance or term life insurance?

This isn’t spam and I don’t want spam as answers, but what type of life insurance is better and why? Is there a pros/cons list anywhere?

I’ve already got the companies lined up that I’m going to use to buy the insurance, but I’m not sure if it’s better to get the cheaper term life insurance or if I should pay more for “regular” life insurance.

Best answer:

Answer by Karen
Get the real life insurance. Term life insurance is set up so that they will cover you for maybe 10-20 years, and then you have nothing.

Life insurance is for life, you might pay more but you always are protected, or more correctly your family is.

Throw away the term life insurance forms and go with the lifetime life insurance.

ps, I’m a geologist, not an insurance salesperson.

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